Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (STAND2010 set list)

This past week I had the privilege of leading worship in song for the STAND for the Gospel conference hosted at HBC. It was a joy to lead the attendees in worshipping our Lord for His unsurpassed work of redemption, and standing firm in the gospel of our glorious God. Folks came from a variety of denominations and churches across New Zealand (and even Australia), and of course we had Conrad Mbewe from Lusaka Baptist Church in Zambia (who incidentally sings very exuberantly!)

Given that attendees come from varying church backgrounds and musical styles and preferences, it was an interesting challenge in selecting the range of songs we sang. Our music teams over the weekend ranged from a full praise band — complete with a small brass and wind section — to an a cappella mens quartet singing in four-part harmony. All in all the variety of musical styles were united by strong gospel-centred lyrics and truths.

Many of the hymns we sang were public domain, and we introduced a few newer songs by Sovereign Grace Music and the gifted songwriting duo of Keith Getty and Stuart Townend.

Below is the list of the songs and messages. Clicking on a message title will take you to the STAND2010 site where you can download the message – they are highly recommended, whether or not you were at the conference. In particular, Conrad’s sermon on the Sunday morning will not make you view church the same way again!

Crown Him with Many Crowns (Resolved version) – video
Soli Deo Gloria (Sovereign Grace Music) – lyrics
1. Conrad Mbewe – Standing Firm in the Sufficiency of Scripture
Salvation Belongs to our God (Howard/Turner) – lyrics

How Great Thou Art – lyrics
Great is the Gospel – lyrics
And Can It Be? – lyrics
2. Conrad Mbewe – Standing Firm in the Centrality of the Gospel
The Solid Rock – lyrics

O Great God (Sovereign Grace Music) – lyrics
By Faith (Getty/Townend) – lyrics
Let Your Kingdom Come (Sovereign Grace Music) – lyrics
3. Conrad Mbewe – Standing Firm: A High View of God in Evangelism
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Michael W Smith version) – video

See What a Morning (Getty/Townend) – lyrics
From Everlasting (Brian Doerkson) – video
How Great is our God (Chris Tomlin) – lyrics
The Power of the Cross – lyrics
4. Conrad Mbewe – Standing Firm: A High View of God in Worship
Soli Deo Gloria – lyrics

Great is Thy Faithfulness (Selah version) – video
Be Thou My Vision – lyrics
Refiner’s Fire (Brian Doerkson) – video
5. Conrad Mbewe – Standing Firm: Leading a Disciplined Life
Behold the Lamb/Communion Hymn (Getty/Townend) – lyrics
In Christ Alone (Getty/Townend) – lyrics

I’ll be ducking down for work for a couple of days, but I hope to post on some reflections from the conference soon.


11 replies on “Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (STAND2010 set list)”

  1. Hi William,

    This is so very helpful. I was going to ask if you could put a list of the songs out that you used during the conference, but this is way better than just a list! Thanks heaps! I am sure other will be blessed by this.


  2. A pleasure to serve – once the videos start getting processed there might be more useful links available too.

  3. Hey William, I hear you guys had an awesome conference and from all accounts I heard the music was great and God honouring. I hope to make it up there next year DV but looking forward to catching up with you at Impact.

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