Creativity for His glory – covers and stuff (Cheryl)

(W: Here are a few things that Cheryl has made in previous months. Really enjoy watching day by day how she’s using her time as a mum to image her Redeemer by getting stuck into creativity that serves others.  I asked her to describe a little bit about each item, since my knowledge of sewing so far is limited to opening my wallet and paying for craft materials.)

Nursing covers

Basically a wearable piece of seamed cloth to drape over the baby while she’s feeding and sleeping for some privacy.

Nursing cover green

This first one I made for our friend Sundeia (who lives in Hastings). It’s  yellow and green with a yellow ruffle around the hem, and has a wide yellow pleat at the back for extra manoeuvrability.

Nursing cover crewel closeup

I also crewelled a small floral monogram at the wearer’s bottom right on the green panel, using cream-coloured baby weight 3 ply yarn, with Sundeia’s name in narrow block letters underneath.


Nursing cover pink sunrise

The next nursing cover I made for myself using some leftover pink fabric from another project. Later added a brown ribbon to the ruffle seam to make it a bit prettier.

I hadn’t realised how useful this was going to be until I realised that in combination with the stroller it meant I could now stay in church service (feed, sleep) instead of hiding out somewhere alone with a monitor. It was also terribly useful when we went to fishing camp. God is good!
