At work this week, I’ve been tasked with diagramming and labelling the anatomy of the ear for an educational project. Not only is it an important organ to have as a worship leader, it’s an amazingly crafted structure of our bodies, and fascinating to study as part of my work. The way each component works to turn air vibrations into nerve impulses that become recognised as sound is simply amazing (you can learn more about it here).
So it’s no surprise that Tortora and Grabowski’s “Principles of Anatomy and Physiology”, a standard textbook for health science and medical students, states this: “The ear is an engineering marvel because its sensory receptors can transduce sound vibrations with amplitudes as small as the diameter of an atom of gold (0.3 nm) into electrical signals 1000 times faster than photoreceptors can respond to light.” (p.546)
An engineering marvel – and Christians would recognise God as the Engineer, since the Bible plainly states in Proverbs 20:12: “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both.”
Incidentally it’s also via our ears that we are able to hear the gospel call. Check out what the prophet Isaiah declares:
“Bring out the people who are blind, yet have eyes,
who are deaf, yet have ears!
All the nations gather together,
and the peoples assemble.
Who among them can declare this,
and show us the former things?
Let them bring their witnesses to prove them right,
and let them hear and say, It is true.
“You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD,
“and my servant whom I have chosen,
that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor shall there be any after me.
I, I am the LORD,
and besides me there is no savior.
I declared and saved and proclaimed,
when there was no strange god among you;
and you are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and I am God.” (Isaiah 43:8-12)
Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17), and what a broken world needs to hear, with our beautifully engineered ears, is the gospel.
I have a (friendly!) question in response…
What are the theological implications (if any) of the fact that man’s ear is, comparatively, far from perfect (intricate though it may be)?
I was gonna post about the evolution of the ear, but I think this is a more interesting question (the evolution from jaw to ear is well documented, widely written about and supported by extensive fossil evidence…you can read about it yourself :D)
Anyway, interested to hear what your thoughts are…
Thanks William 🙂 I think the ear is a really neat organ.
Heya Arron! I know I’m not william, but the way you phrased your comment made me wonder.. how do you think “a perfect ear” should function?
Well, I think it’s safe to say that the more an ear can hear, the better it is. If a person’s hearing is limited, we say they have a disability. So, since there are many animals that can hear a much wider range than we can (as well as respond to them much faster), it seems to me that their ears/hearing organs are closer to perfect than ours.
If you define perfect in a different way, for instance closeness in approximation to God (perfect=most God-like), then the fact that our ears are not the best at their function has a whole different set of theological implications.
Oh, I’m not sure that increased detected input is better, personally. I have somewhat hypersensitive hearing and it hurts! You might have seen me wear non-linear earplugs when I go out to most public areas…
A wider range doesn’t necessarily mean louder, simply that it covers lower and higher pitches. Then there’s other more useful abilities like being able to see by sound, as with echolocation, etc.
Since the ear is something that has developed over millions of years, it is important to consider it in that context. A better (closer to perfect) ear is one that better enables an animal to survive, find prey, find a mate, etc, and so it’s pretty clear that the better you can hear, the better your ear is, the better your chances of survival.
Increased perception of sounds doesn’t simply mean hearing things louder, so I stand by my original statement: quite simply, a better ear is one that enables you to hear better.
Cheryl was actually referring to hyperacusis, like if you scratched a fork on a dinner plate next to her ear, or the smoke alarm’s high pitched sound goes off (irrespective of how loud it was). Kinda like that superhero movie Ben Affleck was in (Daredevil?), when he first got his “superhearing” everything was painful. It’s sometimes still painful for Cheryl!
With Darwinian evolutional theory as the presupposed principle, yes you could argue that humans should have developed better ears over a long period of time. I on the other hand, start from the principles found in God’s revelation (e.g. the quoted verses, general revelation and observation) and am content with seeing evidence of intricate engineering as indicative of an Engineer. For example, anthropologists do the same when they conclude that human populations exist in an area where there’s presence of objects that have clearly been engineered or crafted.
Going back to your first question: are there theological implications if our ears are seemingly imperfect? Not sure, especially if we are trying to define perfection on human terms. If I take on the perspective that the ears I have been gifted with is more than I deserve, then I’m comfortable with theologically affirming that God’s design is good and perfect, whether I have full hearing or not. Hope that’s a clear summary of my views, otherwise feel free to email me!
I guess your answer makes sense (in terms of the theological implications). (Also, while I remember to ask, I was wondering how you understand the term “image”, as in “made in God’s image”–not really related to anything here, but the idea of image is something that’s coming up a lot in a bunch of papers I’m doing atm at it would be interesting to understand the idea of man as ‘image of God’ and how you interpret that).
As to evolution…I dunno, I don’t wanna turn this post into an argument, but the evolution of the ear isn’t really questionable at this point. It’s well documented, widely written about, supported at virtually every stage with physical fossil evidence…what evidence of God’s handiwork do you see if you don’t see it in the process of evolution itself?
Heya, sorry it’s been (as usual) a full-on weekend!
My understanding is that we’re made in his image in the sense that we are God’s representatives on earth in function, e.g. humans are different to the rest of the animals with their ability to reason, think, be creative etc. And that these characteristics make us in the image of God. And then I also understand and see that after Genesis 3, the entire human race became tainted with sin and very imperfect images.
I can’t link this to you as you need a login, but here is my study bible’s write-up:
Hopefully see you tonight!
Remove the incus and malleus, and add the regrowth of a cut out cyst in the inner ear and you have my right ear. Good engineering that got stuffed up a little.