Last year, just for a bit of fun, I wrote to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II last year following the announcement of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton’s engagement. Here’s the response (printed on official, Buckingham Palace letterhead – how charming!):
15 December, 2010
Dear Mr. Chong,
The Queen has asked me to thank you for your recent letter offering your good wishes and requesting an invitation to the Marriage of Prince William of Wales with Miss Catherine Middleton.
The list of those to be invited is being carefully considered by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office and a proportion of invitations may be allocated to the general public. As I am sure you will appreciate, we have received many similar requests and as a result, a ballot may be held and successful applicants would be written to in due course.
In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes for a most enjoyable festive season and a very happy New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Sonia Bonici
Senior Correspondence Officer
There’s hope yet!!
P.s.: If you ever feel the urge to write to the Queen, these instructions may be of use. You will generally get a response, though usually written by one of Her Majesty’s correspondence officers.
– William Chong
i JUST GOT BACK A LETTER FROM THE QUEEN RE; SONIA BONICI THE SAME CORRESPONDING OFFICE. MY GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS WERE ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE OFFICER. MY FAMILY HISTORY ALSO SENT WAS NOT NOTED, AT LEAST WE KNOW SHE WRITES BACK IN PROXY. sHE SPELLED MY NAME WRONG SO i LOOKED UP Prudence with a c. And googled that name and came up with a Beatles song called “Dear Prudence”. I had spelled my name correct in everything I thought so why would the queen make a mistake.
I guess in England its more common to see Prudence instead of Pruden. Gee, interesting. Doug