If you’ll forgive the incomplete sentences, these are my hastily scribbled notes from the Impact conference session 11 by Russell Hohneck. As always with notes, an exactly accurate representation of the sermon isn’t always possible, so this may not summarise his entire message perfectly. I think the full sermons will be available eventually from Riverbend Bible where the conference was held – would have to check back on that.
(UPDATE: Download the messages from the conference here: Impact 2010 messages)
– Cheryl
Subject: Philippians 2:5-11
[5] Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, [6] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, [7] but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. [8] And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. [9] Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, [10] so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
1. When we’re out in the world like dispirins in a glass of water, we get a bit theologically fuzzy around the edges – this conference has been great for hardening them again.
1.1. (Last night, I said that you don’t get credit for this conference. I take that back – because Jesus already gave you an A!) God’s taken all of our fail marks and put them on Jesus, and taken his pass mark and put it on all of us. And now the assignment is to live out what we’ve been made.
1.2. The author describes other sins beside sexual: matters of unity (ch1), of considering others before ourselves (ch2), and of specific people arguing in the church (ch4).
1.3. They are not “gross sins,” but they are still sinful.
1.4. Jesus steps down to the deepest depths of hell to cover even the smallest sins.
1.5. Paul wanted to attain (3:10) the actual resurrection body – he wanted to know Jesus so much that he wanted no sin.
1.6. An overview: Paul writes of the highway of humility. It’s the low way, but it leads to glory – how to walk with one another. This overview unfolds into everywhere in Scripture to give us an understanding of holiness.
2. Jesus stepped down from glory
2.1.1. Christ eternally existed in the form of God (form – morphe) – not external but the inner and essential nature of the being, ie, Christ’s preincarnate state, which was essentially God.
2.1.2. This is a statement about the divine nature of Christ. God exists in Christ. Christ is therefore God in the flesh.
2.2.1. However, he did not regard equality with God somethign to be held close.
2.2.2. Compare how Satan viewed the Godhead as a prize to be grasped and taken. In contrast, divinity already belonged to Jesus in the first place. In Satan there was no humility, but Jesus in his humility was willing to let it go.
2.3. Willing to step down that we might step up.
2.3.1 How? We should put aside security in the bank account, security in friends, security in power… Anything we hold higher than Christ, we should let go, and be humble.
3. He stepped into lowliness
3.1. He emptied himself of his existence in a manner-equal-to-God. He didn’t give up his divinity, but gave up his right to express himself in glory. He clothed himself in humanity.
3.2. Took on the form of a bond-slave. He didn’t take on a mask but had the inner nature of the bond-servant. No discrepancy between his external actions and internal heart attitudes.
3.3. “and being made in the likeness of man” – He takes on the outward appearance of man. Unesteemed.
3.4. Ps 22:6-8 – [iʃ] – man, meaning noble man. “I am not a [man]” – I am not a noble man. Despite that he is actually the highest of men, he becomes the lowest and worst of men. Christ was shamed that we might not be.
3.5. Ps 69:9
4. He stepped into death – the lowest death.
4.1. He suffered at the hand of men.
4.1.1. There is no greater pain we can face that Christ has not faced.
4.1.2. Accursed of God – sorrow upon sorrow. He was separated from God, on our behalf.
4.1.3. Ps 22 – “poured out like water” – this is referring to the Saviour.
4.2. He also suffered from the hordes of hell. We know this because Satan and his minions have a continuing & eternal hatred for God.
4.2.1. At Jesus’ crucifixion, his lowest point, even lower than his temptation in the desert, even more would he have been surrounded by all demonic powers.
4.2.2. Jesus did not summon angels to his aid.
4.2.3. In the upper room: “Where I am going, you cannot come”
4.3. He suffers at the hand of God
4.3.1. His father forsook him. Martin Luther exclaimed, “God has forsaken God!” Left him destitute in his hour of extreme need, that we might never be failed by God.
4.3.2. Because of this, He will never leave you nor forsake you.
4.3.3. Jesus became sin & thus had to be separated from God. He is the sin-bearer.
5. For this reason, God highly exalted him.
5.1. “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
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