This is a helpful infographic from CCLI (the largest copyright administrators for over 300,000 Christian worship songs).
Simply put, if you have a CCLI Licence for your church, you can legally do the following:
- Project song lyrics for use in congregational singing (using graphics, slides, etc.)
- Create your own customised songbooks or hymnals for use in congregational singing
- Print songs, hymns and lyrics in bulletins, programs, liturgies, songsheets for use in congregational singing
- Create and copy your own arrangements of songs used for congregational singing where no published version is available
- Record live worship services
- Create and print your own song translations for congregational singing where no published version is available
You’ll still need separate permission to:
- Make copies of choral/performance music (e.g. for musicals, orchestrations)
- Sell or lend out to groups outside your church family any copies made under the CCLI licence
- Transfer your CCLI licence to another church or group without prior approval
(HT: Ken Boer)