#Music Andrew WK breaks the world record for longest drum session in a retail store – His facial expression in the article’s photo is priceless! Spotify’s top anxiety-reducing tunes – Forget Philippians 4:6-8, here’s Spotify and anxiety psychologist Dr Becky Spelman’s 15-song playlist to calm the nerves (by being at 60 beats per minute, and …
Category Archives: Singing
Leading a worship song I don’t personally like
10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman has been #1 on CCLI, on the Planning Centre weekly aggregates, and sung at nearly every conference I’ve been to, or listened to, or heard about recently. People have told me how blessed they have been singing this song in their private worship and other areas. Now, I love singing …
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I will stand on every promise of Your Word
AW Tozer once said that “after the Sacred Scriptures, the next best companion for the soul is a good hymnal.” For date night Cheryl and I spent some time adding songs to our fledgling family hymnal. We enjoyed researching the stories behind each song and then singing them together (Eden mostly babbled but we’ll get …
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Hymn lines that haven’t stood the test of time
God’s blessed the church with hundreds of memorable hymns of the faith. Christians and non-Christians alike recognise lines such as “Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound…”, “How Great Thou Art”, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, and “Abide with me, fast falls the eventide…” (I’m sure you can think of many of your own examples). For a …
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Book review: Rhythms of Grace
Rhythms of Grace: How The Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel by Mike Cosper Genre: Christian ministry / worship Size: 223 pages. Just 10 chapters and 3 Appendices. I read through the whole thing in 2 days, and again more slowly over the course of several weeks. What’s the big idea: The gospel …