Helpful thoughts on music, singing and the church

Highly recommended reading – two articles on using music in gathered worship by Scott Mackay:   In the first piece, “Stating the Obvious About Church Music“, Scott argues for a shift in thinking from worship music as a distinct and separate part of our gatherings, to using music as one of several ways …

CCLI’s latest Top 25 List released – what it tells (and doesn’t tell) us

  CCLI (the copyright administration company that most churches deal with) have released the top 25 worship songs that churches reported using between April – September 2012. On their website there are lists for the US, UK, Australia and NZ. Comparing between them will reveal some interesting differences (e.g. the UK list has UK-based songwriters …

A word about new worship music

“…There are several reasons for opposing it. One, it’s too new. Two, it’s often worldly, even blasphemous. The new Christian music is not as pleasant as the more established style. Because there are so many new songs you can’t learn them all. It puts too much emphasis on instrumental music rather than Godly lyrics. This …

Why people sing in church

Thought I’d share a quote from a conversation between DA Carson and Tony Payne. Here, Carson suggests what he’d say during a church gathering/service to explain why there’s singing. “Historically Christians are a singing people because we have so much to sing about. In this church, we sing songs from centuries past, and songs that have …

A blueprint for worship music part 2 – “… dwell in us richly…”

Last week I shared some thoughts on an important criteria we should apply when choosing and selecting music for worship services: that the music should be Christ-centered. This point, and the next few criteria, are all drawn from Colossians 3:16, a verse that specifically calls followers of Jesus to “let the word of Christ dwell …