Here’s a song to ring in the new year, sung to the tune for Auld Lang Syne. Words by Dustin Kensrue, former frontman of Thrice and now worship leader at Mars Hill Church. May these words be a help in centering our priorities Heavenward for 2014. Happy New Year everyone! Should nothing of our …
Category Archives: Singing
Album review: From the River to the Ends of the Earth by Matt Searles
In the morning our family has been reading the Psalms in reverse order (starting from Psalm 150 and going backwards). What an encouragement and refreshment to start the day being reminded to praise the LORD, who “takes pleasure in his people” (Ps 149:4), who is our “refuge/portion in the land of the living” (Ps 142:5), …
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Footnotes on your lyrics: an easy way to improve your gathered worship
A few months ago I read an interview with Matt Boswell and Michael Bleecker. As a fellow worship leader, one of their answers piqued my interest: Trevin Wax: What are some practical steps you’d recommend for worship leaders who want to incorporate a more Scripture-focused, gospel-centered approach to their ministry? Michael Bleecker: I would begin …
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First day of spring
Yesterday was the first official day of spring in Auckland – brilliant blue sky and warm sun! Our family enjoyed a wonderful day worshipping with our Howick Baptist brothers and sisters, and being replenished by reading, singing and hearing God’s Word together. Fathers Day in NZ also fell on the same day, and I got …
Some reflections on singing together at STAND 2013
Cheryl and I have just come out of a busy weekend of serving during our home church’s Stand for the Gospel conference. This was the 4th year we helped out (this time around I organised the music ministry and helped plan the general sessions, taught a seminar on hymns, and also helped to get …
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