What I learned from two Mormons

While I was pulling some weeds in our front yard, a voice piped up: “Hi there, can I help you with anything?” I looked up, startled by two men in suits. “We’re missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” And that was the start of my 2-month journey of sharing the gospel …

A high view of God in evangelism

(Syndicated from Cheryl’s deviantart journal) Our church | STAND for the Gospel 2010 — At STAND conference 2010 the keynote speaker was Conrad Mbewe, a reformed pastor from Zambia nicknamed “the African Spurgeon.” The sermons for the whole conference are available here and are free to download. These are the notes that I personally took …

Reflections on leading worship at STAND2010

In my previous post I put up the music set list for STAND 2010, a bible conference we hosted at HBC. This was the first time I had been tasked with organising all the music for an event of this size. I’m certain that God really used it as an opportunity to teach all our …