Jamie Brown gives an excellent post on healthy motivations for worship leaders and the choices they make. After giving 10 wrong motivations, he says:
Here are some right motivations for worship leaders:
1. This will help them sing confidently
2. This will help them see and magnify Jesus
3. This will bless them
4. This will make me look foolish but I’m going to do it anyway
5. This will honour my pastor
6. This is going to stretch them
7. This is not my preference, but it’s the best decision
8. This will help people hear/respond to the sermon
9. This isn’t the way they did it on the recording but this serves my congregation better
10. This isn’t something my team can pull off, so even though I’d like to do it, I will waitSearch your heart when you’re planning or leading worship, and ask yourself “why am I doing this” or “why am I asking them to do this?” The answer to those questions will give you a good deal of clarity on how to move forward…
In particular, I need to work on cultivating #1, 2, 3 and 7 more.
If you’re involved in planning a worship service, which of these particularly resonate with you?
Further reading: Jamie leads worship in an Anglican church in the US, and has some helpful thoughts on leading worship in a liturgical context.