22 Unbelievably Beautiful Places – Helps to bring to mind the feeling of awe and wonder at God’s unparalleled creativity. Also neat to see the Tianzi Mountains (which inspired the helicopter scenes in Avatar), and Mount Roraima (as seen in Up!).
Vatican City Explained – If you ever wanted to know how this tiny nation works.
Six myths about vaccination and why they’re wrong – A good article on The Conversation that debunks a lot of misconceptions about vaccines. Still may not convince everyone though…
Glaring eyes reduce theft – John Metcalfe in the Atlantic sums up some neat research by Daniel Nettle on the psychology of evil eyes. Verdict: pictures of evil eyes reduce crime by making people feel like they’re being watched. A bit like Hebrews 4:13 I suppose… (HT: Bernard Hickey)
A New Creation Story – More homeschoolers want old earth perspectives in their textbooks.
Forming our Souls with Facebook – Shane Hipps challenges you to read a lengthy monologue of unbroken paragraphs. Can you do it, or has your mind been formed by the social media tools you use?
The Shepherd – CT has a neat profile of Michael Cromartie, who organises the Faith Angle Forum to get elite journalists and pastors talking. Great to see winsome cultural engagement:
“We want them better informed. The argument is not advanced if all you do is curse the darkness.”
7 Reasons That People Quit Serving – A good reminder from Brian Howard. As ministry or team leaders we shouldn’t settle for the set and forget approach.
A Mighty Motivation for Singing – Worship leader Benji Carey-Smith unpacks some reasons why it’s a privilege and joy for Christians to sing.