A time for speaking in tongues (ordination sharing)

(Last Sunday, we had the privilege of being publicly affirmed by our church for gospel ministry. Below is what we shared on the day. The Chinese was planned; the crying was not! We’re grateful to God for His grace and mercy. Thanks to everyone near and far who have journeyed with us. Please pray that …

A time for everything, including outdoor sermons

If you were to tell me at the start of the year that my final sermon for 2021 would be at a beach baptism celebration for a crowd of friends, family and curious onlookers, I wouldn’t have believed you. But thanks to COVID, there’s a time for everything it seems! Here’s a few quick observations …

“Nachfolge” im Lockdown (Tag 28)

Hier ist ein Frage: wenn Luther sagt: “Sündige tapfer, aber glaube und freue dich in Christo um so tapferer!”, ist das ein Lehre von der billigen Gnade? Bonhoeffer argumentiert heute: “Nein!” Question: when Luther says: “Sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ more boldly!”, is he teaching cheap grace? Today, Bonhoeffer argues: Nein! Previously: …