Those worthy of double honour

This year marks 21 years since I first heard the good news about Jesus. (For reference, I’ve been celebrating / complaining about Arsenal for longer!) Like many who come to find Jesus beautiful and believable out of a non-Christian upbringing, I’ve never fit completely into one “tribe”. I’m convinced the gospel is of first importance, …

A time for speaking in tongues (ordination sharing)

(Last Sunday, we had the privilege of being publicly affirmed by our church for gospel ministry. Below is what we shared on the day. The Chinese was planned; the crying was not! We’re grateful to God for His grace and mercy. Thanks to everyone near and far who have journeyed with us. Please pray that …

Thoughts on preaching the book of Ephesians

Last Sunday, our church just finished a series on the book of Ephesians. It’s been a joy the past few months to share the pulpit with fellow pastors and friends as we enjoyed an all-you-can-eat buffet in this powerful, practical letter. To prepare for the series, I translated the passage from the Greek text and …

Do you need to turn away from sin in order to come to Christ?

Question: “Do you need to turn away from sin in order to come to Christ?” Have a think about it. After all, if: God saves his people by grace in Christ… God’s people are those who turn away from sin… Can we then say “to become a Christian, you need to turn away from your …