Christmas Weekend Service Redux: 25-26 December 2010

For many people, Christmas Day marked the start of the holidays. But I’m thankful to have been part of a faithful music team that sacrificed some family and present-opening time to serve our church family here at HBC. Since Christmas fell on a Saturday this year, it meant that we ran two consective-day services, and …

HBC-EFC Combined Service Redux: 12 December 2010

Here’s the weekly recap of the Sunday service at my home church. This week we joined in worship with brothers and sisters from the Evangelical Formosan Church NZ (a Mandarin-speaking congregation) – naturally there was quite a different, yet immensely exciting feel to the day! I led the service, which was ably translated by Paul …

HBC Service Redux: 14 November 2010 (summary)

Simon Newbould led the worship service, while Peter preached from 1 Timothy 2:4. 1. Come Now Is the Time to Worship – Brian Doerkson. 2. Resurrection Hymn – Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. 3. All Is Well – Robin Mark. 4. Rejoice – Simon Newbould. Simon wrote this one about a month ago and the …

What dreams may come – marriage in heaven

So a question piqued my interest recently. It came to me one Sunday, when sitting under Jono’s message. Midway through he was citing the example of a movie called “What Dreams May Come”, starring Robin Williams. The story goes like this: “Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could …