Video: Jesus Your Blood and Righteousness

Loved singing this arrangement by Ruth Buchanan when we were at YLC (now called Equip Conference). Strangely enough, after searching everywhere, we couldn’t find a recording of it, nor any sheet music to help. So we made our own – just me and a guitar (and Cheryl humming in the background). [youtube]   Hopefully …

YLC 2011 Days 3-5

Day 3: more great talks and workshops. Bryson unpacked Psalm 22 detailing Jesus as the suffering King, Peter Collier covered the gruesome coronation and crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 27:27-61). Powerful stuff. The workshop on youth ministry gave practical points. In the strand groups we grappled with trying to summarize the passage into one “big idea”, …

Going to YLC 2011 (Youth Leadership Conference) in Christchurch

This time tomorrow we’ll be in Kaiapoi, just north of Christchurch for YLC 2011. For those who haven’t heard of it, it’s a weeklong conference where the majority of the time is spent learning how to study and teach the Bible. Basic concept, but very unique. Both of us will be going, and we plan …