Round the Bays on four feet


Enjoyed a weekend of unhurried, intentional family time this weekend. The highlight was trudging from Quay St on the waterfront in town all the way to St Heliers for the Auckland Round the Bays fun run/walk.


Despite the overexcited More FM announcers, the Army cannon’s starting gun, Eden fell asleep about 15 minutes before the race started until about half an hour into the race.


Was quite amusing to watch Eden strapped on Cheryl’s back munching on a cheese stick as we walked eastwards. She’s still unable to walk so got the benefit of being carried all the way.


At times the size of the crowd (estimated at between 40-70,000 this year) made me wonder what it would have been like for an entire nation of 1-2 million Israelites to mass migrate from Egypt to Canaan.

Once we got to the end, we headed to Madills Farm Reserve.  My company put on a pretty impressive lunch under a big marquee. We enjoyed eating together and also getting to know a few colleagues better.

Maybe we can do more walking as a family with this experience under our belts!


“And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.” – 2 John 1:6