It’s hard to believe that we began this blog 10 years ago! Much has changed but God’s faithfulness hasn’t. We’re writing this amidst a COVID-19 resurgence in Auckland, and chaos and sorrow elsewhere in the world. We started this blog as newlyweds – 10 years on, we’re still happily married with four little wingfeathers to nourish!
Amidst all the tumult and uncertainties of 2020, God’s been kind to confirm and lead us to several decisions since finishing our time at college in Sydney.
- We’re staying in Auckland as we love and invest in our family of 6 and wider family in Aotearoa New Zealand.
- We accepted a call to our new church family, where William has begun serving as a Pastor to their English Congregation (we’re thankful to God the vote was unanimous).
- William has been offered a full scholarship to begin doctoral studies at the University of Otago (part-time, via distance) to continue researching the work he began in Sydney. We have until the start of next year to decide if it’s a possible and worthwhile investment and sacrifice to do it alongside pastoral ministry.
Our church currently provides a part-time stipend while William carries on with freelance work 2 days a week, and Cheryl cares for and homeschools our four children. We’re not sure if bi-vocational living will be a temporary phase, or a long-term reality (it’s hard to predict much in a coronavirus world!). But whatever lies ahead, we trust that God will “amply supply” us, and “meet all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:18-19). After all, He’s done so until now — how could we not trust Him to keep providing our daily bread?
Thank you to our loyal readers (someone even told us recently they’ve read every single post we’ve shared since we began! Wow!) The focus of our posts may shift slightly as new thoughts and experiences emerge from serving and living in between three worlds. However, we hope to keep offering gospel-centred reflections and provoking fruitful thought as we continue our momentary marriage and ministry.
Soli deo gloria (to God alone be glory)
C & W