Creativity for His glory – more cards (Cheryl)

(W: Here are a few things that Cheryl has made in previous months. Really enjoy watching day by day how she’s using her time to image her Redeemer by getting stuck into creativity that serves others. In contrast, my knowledge of sewing and crafts is limited to opening my wallet and paying for materials…) Cards …

I accidentally the worship song

(W: Recently we’ve sung a few songs that almost went out of their way to be unintelligible. Here’s Cheryl’s thoughts on the fine line between creativity and intelligibility.) Song lyrics are a form of poetry, and poetry should obey grammar, or at a stretch at least poetic grammar. Note that the further you stretch grammar …

Family matters: pizzas and gospel glue

Saturday On Saturday, had a wonderful day making pizzas with a family from church.  I recently helped Cheryl to buy a breadmaker via work’s staff purchasing list (FPH have some sort of deal with Panasonic where we can buy their products for below retail, contact me if you’d like to see their catalogue). The funny …