Here’s Cheryl’s latest digital craftwork to celebrate four years of keeping the promise to each other and to God. Incidentally, our conversation this morning: “Can you hand me a fresh nappy?” “Sure!” “Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together!” Psalm 34:3
Tag Archives: anniversary
Prone to forget our wedding vows
“Do you remember your wedding vows?” Someone asked us this recently. I started with a few words – “Cheryl, I vow… to…” …but then had to stop. I had to admit I couldn’t remember them well. Even though they’re stuck on our fridge door, which we walk past every day! Thankfully, we’re reminded of our …
Song recommendation: Andrew Peterson, “Dancing in the Minefields”
It’s our 1st wedding anniversary today! So here’s a song that we both enjoyed this year. We’re not as young as the guys Andrew Peterson sings about when we got married – but these words speak of the same struggles, the same joys, the same realisation of utter dependence on God’s grace to hold us …
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There’s still a lot to learn!
On Friday, we had an enchanting night out to celebrate six months of married life. Dinner at a fine Italian-style restaurant on Cockle Bay, a random interlude of Christ-centred rap music, then an evening of enjoying each other’s company, and reflecting on the amazing partnership, the astounding gift God has given us. Even in just …