Quotes from Semester 1 at Sydney Missionary Bible College, 2017

We’ve just finished our first semester here at Sydney Missionary Bible College, where I’m studying towards a Masters of Divinity. It’s been exhausting on some fronts – adjusting to life in Australia with a young family, scrambling to build new friendships and relationships, grieving as NZ friends move on with their lives. I don’t think …

Thinking about Christian books I’ve read

“What Christian books have you read?” That was one of the questions on my application form for bible college (more on that here).  I scanned the rest of the form and decided  that the two lines provided  wouldn’t be enough  space. So one night, I sat down, trawled through my memory, our library catalogue, e-book …

Who am I? What is my ‘self’?

In our young adults group on Tuesdays we have been working through the book of Romans. When we were in chapters 6 and 7 there were some great discussions about our true identity as Christians. In chapter 11 of The Cross of Christ, John Stott explains how a Christian’s identity cannot be recognised accurately without …

Birdwatching and the freedom of self-forgetfulness

As the hatchback hurtled towards the airport, I asked a most unnatural question to the man in the front passenger seat: “So are you a birdwatcher?” A few people know me well enough to be able to see and point out a specific way that my proud heart shows itself.  When talking with people, I …

Half-year update on us trying to read more books

It was sometime towards the end of last year that I realised that, in comparison to the hundreds of articles, blog posts and Facebook updates that I  skim through on a daily basis, I wasn’t really doing very well with old-fashioned book reading. So this year we’ve tried to build it into our family routines more. …