5 things I learned about preaching while stacking bread

Like many others, serving in gospel ministry during the COVID pandemic has meant picking up some part-time work to put bread on the table. In my case, literally: in God’s providence, the Lord provided 6 months of part-time bread merchandising work that dovetailed into our call to pastor a new church family where I’m preaching …

Don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife?

Note: An adapted version of this article is published at https://au.thegospelcoalition.org/article/good-bloke-joseph/. A common understanding of Joseph’s dilemma when he discovers Mary is pregnant is that it puts him in two minds about whether or not to go ahead with marrying her. We usually read Matthew 1:19 through modern lenses and suppose Joseph here is wondering …

Lockdown thoughts from Job 18

If you were to describe the place where wicked people go, how would you describe it? Bildad has a go — unfortunately, it’s not really what his friend Job needed to hear. Previously:1:1-5  |  1:6-12  |  1:13-22  |  2:1-6  |  2:7-13  |  3:1-10  |  3:11-26  |  4  |  5:1-7  |  5:8-27  |  6  |  7 …

Lockdown thoughts from Job 17

Apologies for missing the last few days. Our country moved into Lockdown-lite (or, Lockdown with KFC); we welcomed a new child into our family (she’s gorgeous!); life’s been busier. I’m still keen to triapse through Job in Hebrew. Job continues to stare into the grave as he responds to his miserable comforters. Previously:  1:1-5  | …