Tomb bursts into flames during Easter pageant

Unbelievable. From Canton, Ohio, US: Calm thinking and quick action prevented what could have been a disaster at the First Church of the Nazarene after a prop tombstone caught fire during the church’s Easter service. “We always try to have a special day, as every Christian church does, on Easter Sunday,” Dennis said. “We have …

Album review: Songs from the Book of Luke

TGC’s first album, “Songs for the Book of Luke” was released yesterday and is being unashamedly marketed far and wide on the conservative-reformed web as I write this. Here’s my thoughts after listening to the album: I’m thankful that so many people are captured by a vision to sing “songs about the glory of God …

Has this ever happened to you on Sunday morning?

I had a bit of a chuckle after reading this anecdote from a book: “Not long ago, I attended a gathering with a congregation other than my own, and I thought my ears were going to bleed. The moment the preservice music began, the congregation collectively shuddered and stood cringing under the instrumental blast for …