Just writing this as our Government announces another week of Level 4 lockdown. I need to remember that it’s so much harder for others in the world right now. I need to remember God’s goodness surpasses any government decisions. I need to remember that Jesus’s heart for me is one of immense, costly love, and following Him is ultimately worth it. Nachfolge ist Freude – following is joy.


  • Vorvort (Foreword): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • Inhaltverzeichnis (Table of contents) 10
  • 1. Die Teure Gnade (1. Costly Grace) 11 12 13 14 15

Zweimal ist an Petrus der Ruf ergangen: Folge mir mach! Es war das erste und das letzte Wort Jesu an seinen Jünger (Markus 1,17; Joh. 21,22). Sein ganzes Leben liegt zwischen diesen beiden Rufen.

Twice is the call issued to Peter: “Follow me!” It was the first and the last word of Jesus to this disciple (Mark 1:17, John 21:22). His whole life lies between both these calls.

Das erstemal hatte Petrus am See Genezareth auf Jesu Ruf hin sein Netze, seinen Beruf verlassen und war ihm aufs Wort nachgefolgt. Das letztemal trifft ihn der Auferstandene in seinem alten Beruf, wiederum am See Genezareth, und noch einmal heißt es: Folge mir nach! Dazwischen lag ein ganzes Jüngerleben in der Nachfolge Christi. In seiner Mitte stand das Bekenntnis zu Jesus als dem Christus Gottes.

The first time Peter had left at the Sea of Galilee [lit: Genesaret] his nets, his profession at the call of Jesus, and had followed him to the word. The last time, the Risen One meets him in his old profession, again by the sea of Galilee, and once more it is said: “Follow me!” In between lay a whole life of discipleship (lit: disciple-life] in the following of Christ. At its centre, was the confession to Jesus as the Christ of God.

Es ist dem Petrus drei-mal ein und dasselbe verkündigt, am Anfang, am Ende und in Cäsarea Philippi, nämlich daß Christus sein Herr und Gott sei. Es ist dieselbe Gnade Christi, die ihn ruft: Folge mir nach! und die sich ihm offenbart im Bekenntnis zum Sohne Gottes.

It is to Peter thrice told one and the same thing, in the beginning, in the end and in Caesarea Philippi, namely that Christ is Lord and is God. It is the same grace of Christ, which calls him: follow me! and which reveals itself to him during the confession to the Son of God.

[W: The grace of Christ that called you first to “follow me!”, is the same grace that carries you through to the end. I need to remember this!]